Important takeaways
- Tough Pokemon battles require specific strategies, not just type matchups, which increases the difficulty.
- Endgame opponents like AI Turo and Ultra Necrozma have high levels and powerful moves.
- Strong trainers like Kieran, Cynthia and Volo provide challenging battles with unique tactics.
Many opponents that you will face in Pokémon Games are easy and you will be able to beat them just by exploiting type matchups. However, the same cannot be said for many tough fights that require you to use certain strategies or even use helpful combat and healing items.

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These opponents really are no joke, and can take your entire team down in seconds if you make a wrong turn during a battle or use types that put you at a disadvantage. This list ranks them all based on the trouble they give you when trying to defeat them.
10 AI Turo
This section contains endgame spoilers for Pokemon Violet, so read at your own discretion if you haven't cleared Area Zero in the game yet.
The battle with AI Turo is one of the most challenging, as he brings out paradoxical Pokemon that you may be unprepared to deal with the first time you meet him. Even if you were to exploit his weaknesses by using Ground-type Pokemon, he has Iron Bundle in his team that can prevent you from doing so.
Since it's an endgame battle, the Pokemon AI Turo owners are overleveled, so if you're less than level 70, it'll be that much harder to take him down. His Pokémon use different types of moves, which can be super effective against many Pokémon on your team.
9 Steve
- Games: Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire
After facing the tough elite four, the champion Steven is waiting for you at the end, but when you meet him, your team will be exhausted from the battles you have to go through before meeting him. Even if he uses a Steel-type team, you can't beat him just by exploiting his weakness.
While most of his team consists of Steel-type Pokemon, he also owns a few Ground and Rock-type Pokemon. It makes the battle more awkward because the Fire-type Pokémon you used to beat his Steel-type will be vulnerable to his Armaldo, Cradily, and Aggron.
- Games: Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon SoulSilver
The version of fighting Red, when you meet him on Mount Silver at the end of the game, was even more difficult in the remake, given that he was able to utilize the new moves introduced in future generations.

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His Snorlax is particularly difficult to deal with, as normal Pokémon don't have many weaknesses. It also knows the Rest move, which can restore it to full health. Even if you manage to beat his Snorlax, be prepared for his wild card Pikachu that can quickly wipe out your team with its strong electric attacks.
7 Kieran
- Games: Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet
Kieran may seem like a weaker character during the Teal Mask DLC, but he becomes obsessed with completely destroying his opponent in the Indigo Disk DLC. He is known to be ruthless, and the battle with him will not disappoint you if you like a level of difficulty in the Pokemon games.
Kieran's weakness is apparently Ogerpon, the Pokemon he is obsessed with throughout the main plot. While using Ogerpon, you will cover the battle, but it won't be as windy, since Kieran owns Incineroar, which is strong against the grass and stone types. Using your Ogerpon with its Rock mask will quickly defeat it, making the rest of the fight much more difficult.
6 Ultra Necrozma
- Game: Pokemon Ultra Sun And Ultra Moon
The battle with Ultra Necrozma is the hardest legendary battle in the Pokemon games. It caught many players off guard with the power of its attacks. The legendary Pokemon will repeatedly use Photon Geyser which can knock out your team quickly, especially if you are underleveled.
Ultra Necrozma's ability Neuroforce will defeat any Pokemon instantly, as super effective moves become more powerful. That's not all you have to deal with, as it has a powerful Z move at the ready, namely “Light that Burns the Sky”, which it can menacingly use just when you thought you had him.
5 Cynthia
- Games: Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl
Conquering the Pokemon League by dethroning Cynthia is one of the toughest tasks in generation 4 games. She uses a team that uses multiple types, which can make forming your own team to fight her very hard.

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Some Pokemon she uses, like Spiritomb, barely have any weaknesses you can exploit, making it very difficult to beat her unless you have an Fairy-type Pokemon on your team. Her Garchomp is a tough nut to crack and the battle with her gets even tougher in the remake as it can now use Sword dance which increases its attack greatly.
4 Ghetsis
- Games: Pokemon Black and Pokemon White
There are some battles that force you to stock up on healing items like revives and max potions just to get through a fight you're stuck on. Ghetsis is one of the most terrifying team leaders in the games, and his team is just as terrifying, especially considering he has one of the most powerful Pseudo legendaries, Hydreigon.
Hydreigon has amazing speed stats, meaning if you have a Dragon-type Pokemon on the field, it will be able to take it down faster than you can even attack it. The fact that you can't use your captured Legendary effectively during this battle really ups its difficulty level.
3 Giovanni
- Games: Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon
Mewtwo was always a hard Pokemon to beat as a Psychic type that knows the move Recover, but this particular fight with Giovanni is especially harder because he evolves it in the middle of the fight. This makes Mewtwo much stronger than before, enough to single out your weaker Pokemon.
You will easily use various healing items throughout this battle, and you may have to resort to reviving your Pokemon repeatedly, until Mewtwo runs out of Recover PP. Not only do you need to match the right type, but your Pokemon should have good stats to stand a chance against Giovanni.
2 Whitney
- Games: Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver
Whitney's Miltank has made an impression on all Pokemon fans who played the Generation 2 games, back in the day. This was probably the hardest challenge many young coaches had to go through when they were not as experienced with the series. In addition, normal Pokemon are greatly underestimated, leaving many completely unprepared.

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Her Milk Drink move was a threat to deal with, as it can completely destroy your battle strategy. Just as you're about to finish it, Miltank will use it to restore her health. If that wasn't enough, she'll also use Stomp to make your Pokemon flinch, preventing you from attacking when you want it most.
1 Volo
This post contains endgame spoilers for Pokemon Legends Arceus, so avoid reading if you haven't completed the second part of the game.
- Game: Pokemon Legends Arceus
Volo comes across as a friendly guy next door until he shows his true strength towards the end of the game. His six Pokémon team is pretty formidable, but even after you beat it, he'll summon a wild card Giratina, which you'll need to hit twice with your current team and health.
Giratina will also dodge your attacks often, which will give Volo more chances to attack you. It becomes even more frustrating considering that Giratina has some powerful moves that can one-shot your Pokemon.