In the previous chapter in The stone of madness“The gate to the Saint Jerome campaign, Panecillo gave you a key. But this key turned out to be more a mystery than a solution. The engraving you found belonged to an engineer who once lived here and later lost his health and reason because of this Location, but he knew the way out.

The stone of madness, from blasphemic devs, is equally parts exciting and frustrating
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Escape will not be easy, as the forbidden zones, awesome guards and scary creatures that roam the corridors at night will do everything they can to keep you here. For this reason you must not give up – find the gate to Saint Jerome and escape as soon as possible.
How to find the Saint Anna statue
Your first goal is to find the emblem in the Saint Anna statue. To do this, you must first go to the newly opened area in south of Refectory Zone; This will lead you to the large wall area. You should reach this area with Leonoraand by climbing the wall and taking out the guard on top, Interact with the switch to open the large gate.
Afterwards you will see a cutting scene involving Brother Pedro, where you will hear that he is shooting everyone who comes into his chicken shoe. First interact with the cellar door in the southern part of the area and unlock Skjulenvägen. Then go into Coop with Leonora, Crouch and go gently to Break the mirror without scaring the chickens.
Then use Agnes' Light and Darkness skills to Switch the Brazierwith the shadows to your advantage. Slowly get into Coop. With Amelia you can directly Use the hole outside Coop To reach the Saint Anna statue. After interacting with the statue you see another cutting scene with brother Pedro, who will catch you and ask you to find three brown chickens.
Where to find the three brown chickens
To catch the chickens you can use:
Amelia's pocket pocket skills,
Agnes evil eye ability,
Using a chain with eduardo,
Use a plank with Leonora.
To find the first chicken, go to south of the large wall areaWhere you will see nuns around a large tree. On the western side of this area, on the wallYou will discover one of the brown chickens. Climb up the projection on the wall with LeonoraTurn out the sitting guard and then gently approach the chicken, knock it out and take it.
Since the chicken is close to the fire, you can get into the wooden cheese in the fruit garden and interact with the switch inside to extinguish the fire on the wall.
Another chicken is found On the wooden beams above the dining room in the refectory. Start by using the steps inside or climbing up the ivy outside. Eliminating the soldiers upstairs will speed up the process.
Climb up with Alfredo to the soldier who patrol next to the wooden rays, dress him in priest coats and press the button to the south to open the area with two soldiers and a card game table. Eliminate the soldiers here as well.
Finally, Take the plank from the soldiers playing cards with Eduardocarry it to the wooden bales and Use it to create a path to the chickenThus find the other chicken.
Finding the third chicken is very easy. Cross the river to east of the cellar door in the refectoryAnd you will see it next to a coffin. You can easily take it with any character, but be careful with the armed soldier and the nun.
In addition, there is a chicken in the northeastern area of the cells. You can take it if you want; However, finding three brown chickens will be enough. To reach this area, use Leonora to take the shortcut on the second floor of the cells and then gently climb down the wall to reach the ground.
How to calm brother Pedro
Once you have found all the chickens and taken them to Coop, the day will automatically end, and your next goal is to calm brother Pedro. You can do this in two ways:
Either by capturing him,
Or by having Alfredo approaching him in a priest.
He is located south of the cellsAnd the easiest way to reach the place where he shoots at the guards is to take Eduardo with you, bring a crowbar and make sure Eduardo has full health. Use the crowbar to break the iron bars in the building he is inThen step on the bear trap with Eduardo to disable it.
Then take Alfredo in the clergy suit to his side. This will complete the target and end the chapter.

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