The best anime where the main character dies at the end

In Anime, a main person's death often feels like the last note that has been built up for hours. For viewers, it's not just about losing their favorite character; Rather, it is about history's heartbreaking turns and turns that they cannot help but feel the importance. In fact, these deaths are never easy to witness, but sometimes they are important to history and make a lot of sense.


10 best anime about the meaning of life

Think about the point of everything with these anime.

From Eren Yeager's predetermined death in attack on titanium to Lelouch's self -sacrifice in code Geass, the deaths of these protagonists are not an end to the story for them; They are the point where everything they fought for comes in the head and leaves us with a bitter -cute understanding of what they gave up for the sake of others.

Heavy spoilers below. Read on at your discretion.


Cyberpunk: Edgerunners – David Martinez

⁠A dystopian future where everyone dies

David Martinez's death in Cyberpunk Edgerunners.

Japanese animation studios have always driven the boundaries of different genres, and Western Studios now adopts that style in its own environment. A brilliant example of this is Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, based on the generally popular video game Cyberpunk 2077.

Like the original game, the show's creator worked to replicate a fantastic but doomed futuristic world. And that was exactly what happened. In the end, including the protagonist David Martinez, each character ends up, whether good or bad, either through someone else's actions or by sacrificing to save others.


Dragon Ball Z – Goku

Goku has died and taken back several times

Goku using immediate transmission to Teleport Cell's exploding body and dying.

There are only a few characters in Anime that have reached the type of legendary status that the characters in Dragon Ball have, especially Goku, the hyperactive Saiyan that always saves the world.

The world of Dragon Ball is a very exaggerated, so it is entirely possible for a character to die and reappear, and that is true for Goku as well, because he has died several times. But one thing is certain, every time Goku dies, anime fans can't help but wonder when and how he comes back.

End of Elric Brothers

Edward Elric staked in full metal alchemist: brotherhood

Fullmetal Alchemist makes it clear from the very first episode that it is a serious and violent show, as we witness the consequences for Elric Brothers when their attempt at Alchemy is horrible. We thought there was no way that they would kill the brothers, but we were wrong.


10 Anime characters that can beat Goku

Goku is the most popular character in anime history. He is also really, really strong, but we think there are other figures that can beat him.

During the last battle with Homunculus, Edward Elric is killed by Envy, his own half -brother. When he sees Edward Fall, Alphonse uses the philosopher's stone to heal his body and tie his soul back, but thus breaks Alphonse's own body to dust.


Devilman Crybaby – Akira Fudo

Satan wins, a rare case where the villain wins

Ryo Asuka waives humanity in Devilman Crybaby.

Devilman Crybaby follows the story of Akira, a teenager thrown into a world of demons after being merged with one and becoming a demon himself. The main plot of the series revolves around the friendship rivalry between Akira and his childhood friend, Ryo Asuka, which is revealed to be Satan.

The two friends must eventually meet each other to carry the consequences of their moral choices. In the final, Ryo kills the person he has ever loved and delivers us one of the most controversial endings in anime.


Code Geass – Lelouch VI Britannia

Does it count if he kills his alter ego?

Lelouch is killed in the hands of zero (self) to give the world a chance to unite.

Code Geass introduced us to Lelouch VI Britannia, the prince of the Holy Britan Empire, who tries to avenge his father by overthrowing the Empire and creating a world free from oppression.

Throughout the show, consumed by his desire for revenge, Lelouch builds his power as a rebel, with the help of Geass, an ability that allows him to influence people's actions. He also assumes the person of a masked anti -hero, zero and leads a rebellion against the empire. But when the war stops orchestras his own death to move the world's hatred to him.


Jojo's bizarre adventure – Jonathan Joestar

The original Jojo really gave everything its

Jonathan Joestar holds Dio's head when he dies in Jojo's bizarre adventure part one.

When it comes to anime death, Jojo's bizarre adventure is full of them, especially Joestars, a family whose members are either intended to kill or are killed by the villains they face.

The first arc in the show has a similar death, the one by Jonathan Joestars, when he meets his Arch-Rival, Dio Brando, a moment that left everyone shocked. After fighting his entire life, Jonathan reaches the point where he sacrifices himself to save everyone else, forever strengthen his heritage as a true Joestar.


Cowboy Bebop – Spike Spiegel

A bit unclear, but spike probably died there at the end

A damaged nail forms a finger gun in the show's final scene.

Cowboy Bebop is a show in a Western environment about a few bounty hunters who carry the importance of their past and the choices they make to escape it. The series introduces Spike Spiegel, a former member of Red Syndicate, a criminal group.

Now a carefree bounty Hunter, Spike leaves his violent past after falling in love with Julia, a girlfriend to the criminal Mastermind Vicious, who eventually finds and kills her. In the show's finale, Spike and Vicious finally meet each other and leave Spike seriously wounded and leave the opportunity open that he may be dead.


Grave of the Fireflies – Setsuko

The horror of war is difficult to understand

Seita gives Setsuko a piggyback trip in the grave of the fireflies.

Ghibli films have constantly given us masterpieces with their melancholy themes, combined with perfect soundtracks that can get you to tears, even when you are happy. Already in 1988, Studio Ghibli released his anti -war film Grave of the Fireflies, as a protest against the terror of the war.


10 Best Studio Ghibli movies

Studio Ghibli combines spectacular animation with heartwarming stories to bring films unlike others, and we rank them to see which is best.

The story follows a young boy, Seita, when he takes care of his younger sister, Setsuko, during the Second World War after siblings have been separated from his parents. The film beautifully develops their bands all the time, just to break your heart when you look at Setsuko die of starvation, making it one of the saddest closures ever.


Death Note – Light Yagami

Light's End was both tragic and satisfactory

Easily flee from the police after being shot several times in death note.

There have been many attempts to convert death into a movie or live-action series, but none of them worked, because the conviction that the original series had always been absent.

The story follows Light Yagami, who is tired of a society full of criminals and gets a chance to change the world when he finds a notebook that can kill everyone whose name is written in it. Even with the life of everyone in his hands, the show reaches its peak when light dies in the end and closes the story on a perfect note.


Attack on titanium – eren yeager

Eren lets mikasa kill him

Eren is beheaded by Mikasa in attack on titanium.

Attack on titanium is not just about fighting against Titans, but a story of survival and the lengths that people are willing to go to it, which is something that perfectly summarizes who Eren Yeager becomes.

At the beginning of the show, Eren Yeager seems like an innocent boy who is determined to avenge. But we soon realize that this was all predetermined, as he could control everything with the help of the forces of the founding titanium. He even knew that he would die and that it would be in the hands of Mikasa, the girl he loved the most.


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2024 was one of the best years ever for anime.

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