Throughout Path of Exile 2 some bosses will stand in your way and prevent progress through the campaign. At the beginning of Act 2, you must find a way to join the Mariketh Caravan heading east, which is being plagued by frenzied raiders nearby.

Path of Exile 2: Weapon emplacement points, explained
In Path of Exile 2, Weapon Set Points are a separate but integrated system that allows players more customization across their passive skill tree.
As part of an Act 2 mission 'Earning Passage', you are sent out into the wasteland to prove your worth to the traveling caravan by defeating the Hyena Raiders in the area. After some searching and killing, you'll eventually come across the Rathbreaker boss, a particularly ferocious hyena and the gang's leader – you'll get to know him well, if the boss proves troublesome.
How to get to Rathbreaker
Rathbreaker can be found at the far end of the first map in Act 2, the Vastiri Outskirts. To find the Rathbreaker, search the edges of the Vastiri Outskirts map until you find a path leading away from the central map pulp. One of these thin paths leading away from the edge of the Vastiri Outskirts leads to Rathbreaker.
Although the game's maps are randomly generated, this arena will always be spawned connected to a path leading outward from the map, not in the center of the map.
You should find a Checkpoint at the end of the path, which opens into a wider area with dozens of hyenas, all clustered around a central rise, with Rathbreaker standing above the rest of the clan.
If you're having trouble finding the Rathbreaker and clearing all the Hyenic Raiders in the area, be sure to go along the edges of the map and follow anything that looks like it might be a way out. You may not have uncovered enough of the fog of war to see the way when traveling in the zone before.
Path of Exile 2 Rathbreaker Boss Strategies
The key to beating most bosses Path of Exile 2 is to understand their mechanics. As one Souls game you will likely face many bosses over and over again as you learn their moveset and figure out how to respond and adjust your build.
Rathbreaker's boss arena is unique in that there is a group of Hyenic Raiders all standing above the arena.

Path of Exile 2: All Currency Items and Effects
This list of all currency items in Path of Exile 2 describes all PoE 2 currencies in the game and describes what each currency does.
If you get too close to the walls of the boss arena, these Hyenic Raiders will throw spears at you quickly. These spears deal considerable physical damage and it's important to keep the boss in the center of the arena to avoid getting shot down.
These enemies cannot be killed before or during the fight, and will only jump down (and get a hitbox) once you've defeated the Rathbreaker.
In addition to his ranged support on the walls around the boss arena, Rathbreaker will summon a horde of hyenas to his side after he reaches about 75% of his Max Life, and then again about every minute for the rest of the fight. For this fight, make sure you have some kind of AoE ability that can quickly deal with these additions, as they will quickly overwhelm a character unprepared to face a dozen hyenas during the fight.
The hyenas always spawn in from the two ramps on either side leading up to the arena, so you can pre-plan by launching your AoE abilities as soon as you see the hyenas start pouring in. If your skill is smooth enough, and your gear is decent, most AoE skills should clear a majority of the deck if timed correctly.
Rathbreaker Boss Strategies, Movesets, & Counters
During all these distractions, players must of course pay attention to PoE 2 The Rathbreaker boss himself.

Path of Exile 2: How to Increase Spirit
To get more Spirit, Path of Exile 2 players have a few options available to upgrade Max Spirit in PoE 2.
There don't seem to be any Rathbreaker weaknesses Path of Exile 2 players can take advantage of – it's a DPS control with mechanics you need to pay attention to. There are five moves the Rathbreaker will rotate between during the fight.
- When you engage Rathbreakerit's coming roar and charge towards your location in a straight line.
- It won't chase you, so just quickly dodge out of the way or move to the side when it starts charging.
- After reaching the end of his initial charge, Rathbreaker will begin to rotate between his normal abilities.
- Normally it will opens with a series of long-range melee attacks that blast three waves of damage forward while standing still. If you can avoid Rathbreaker's attacks during this move, you can do a lot of damage with ranged and AoE attacks.
- If you see the boss stop moving, drag its weapon to the ground and wave it in the air, it means it's about to use this move.
- You can step out of the way for the first two swings while circling the Rathbreaker, then watch for the third swing, which means a red visual effect on the boss. This red effect also means that the move is Unblockable, if you use a shield.
- The third swing in this combo takes longer to charge, covers a wider area, and deals massive damage. It will track your movement until thrown, so dodge out of the way right when the boss lowers his weapon.
- After his three-hit combo, Rathbreaker will chase down the player and take a turn in the melee area.
- Wait for the boss to come about 10m away (about 1 sec duration) and Fold to the side to avoid the charge and follow-up melee attack.
- The arena will also suddenly be covered in a barrage of spears from the surrounding hyena demons. Keep an eye out for the starting point and make sure you avoid both the Charge and the spear line.
- If you are in melee range at any time, boss may start attacking you with his sword instead of using its other moves.
- To avoid the Rathbreaker's normal melee attackseither circle around it counterclockwise (to the boss's left) or Dodge to the left of the boss when it swings.
- Rathbreaker wields his weapon in his right hand, which doesn't reach as far on his left.
- Melee players can relatively reliably circle the boss counter-clockwise to consistently land hits and avoid damage.
- It's not a perfect strategy, as the boss will jump away and do ranged attacks, but it helps avoid getting hit. Rathbreaker can be especially tough for melee builds.
- Randomly as part of its regular melee attacks, Rathbreaker will quickly raises and slams his weapon down to the ground, sending a blast forward not unlike the bursts of damage during its three-hit combo.
- This one can be hard to avoid if you're in melee, especially if the hyenas have joined the fight. Make sure the boss raises his weapon without dragging it on the ground, usually after another attack combo. Stop attacking and move out of the way immediately.
If you can avoid the stage hazards and hyena demons that join the fight, and can learn and respond to Rathbreaker's relatively well-telegraphed (but fast) attacks, you should be able to beat Rathbreaker within a few tries. Keep in mind that an AoE ability is practically required for this fight thanks to the additions, and abilities that can deal tons of Ranged damage are great.
If you can reliably dish out long-range damage while the boss is standing still during his three-hit long-range melee combo, you should be able to beat Rathbreaker with ease. Being at melee range makes this a much tougher fight, and it's worth considering switching up your Support Gems and builds to accommodate more long-range movement.