This article contains spoilers from One Piece's Elbaf Arc.
Shamrock Figarland serves as Elbaf's largest antagonist with a sword that has a Cerberus Devil Fruit Power.
Shanks Gryphon's sword can also have a devil fruit and improve its unique battle style.
Shanks may be the strongest because of his potential sword ability and place him above others in the current era.
With the elbaf -arc of A bit After starting to find fans gradually more pieces of information related to the legendary pirate that is Shanks. All fans knew that Elbaf would be Shank's bow and ODA reveals more ways to get this red -haired emperor involved in this bow. While Shanks himself is not at Elbaf at the moment, what fans know is that someone related to Shanks is already here.

A bit: Shanks vs. Shamrock Figarland, explained
Shamrock and Shanks are both powerful fighters. Who is stronger in one piece?
Whether ODA will have Shanks to come to Elbaf or not, much about him, including his potential abilities can be hinted here, which also includes his devil fruit abilities. This may sound completely bizarre for the fans, but the latest developments in A bit Seems to suggest that Shank's potentially may have a devil fruit, although this fruit may not necessarily have been eaten by him.
Shamrock has a sword with a devilish fracture
Shamrock acts as Elbaf's biggest antagonist
His sword has the power from Inu No Mi, Model: Cerberus
Fans had no idea that Shamrock Figarland would come to Elbaf until ODA made it clear in his jump party message, which stated the following:
When it comes to manganese, we have finally come to Elbaf! It is a relaxed kingdom, but calm is about to be crushed by the arrival of a certain man! Meanwhile, there will be riots in other seas too! And finally, one guy will start shaking up the world! Take a deep breath now, because soon you may not be able to get up for air! Look forward to a suuuuuuper -year on a paragraph 2025! – Eiichiro Oda
Immediately after, in the Elbaf arch, two mysterious characters were seen as fun in the country's Aurutt castle, and one of them looked remarkable as Shanks. In fact, this was quite easily the same person that the fans knew met Gorosei in A bit Chapter 907 a long time ago. Things became even more interesting when Oda clearly refused to show this individual's face to the fans, which suggested that he might not be Shanks after all.
The world government will bring Elbaf in the heel no matter what! – Shamrock Figarland
Finally, in a piece of chapter 1137, it was confirmed to the fans that this person was not Shanks but his evil twin, Shamrock Figarland, the oldest son of Garling Figarland. He acts as the commander of the Holy Knights, which Fans know is a formidable bunch in one piece. Shamrock's forces would always be huge. This is especially because he is clearly the most important antagonist in the bow and there for Luffy to fight. Given that Luffy is a Yonko, Shamrock will definitely become a Yonko level individual as well. As I said, the vast majority of Shamrock's powers remained unknown until a piece of chapter 1138.
Finally, ODA has revealed to the fans that Shamrock Figarland has the ability, but not how the fans would assume it is. Shamrock Figarland has not eaten a devil fruit, but it is his sword that consumed a devil fruit. This is not a foreign concept for one paragraph, because the fans know that Mr. 4's gun, Lassoo, had a devil fruit, as well as funkfreed, Spandam's sword. In the same way, Shamrock's sword also has a devil fruit ability, and in his case it is the mythical Zoan Cerberus ability, which makes him a very violent fighter. This has undoubtedly raised many issues within the fans about Shanks as well.
Shanks Gryphon could also have a devil fruit
Shank's fighting style remains unknown to this day
Just as Shamrock Figarland's sword had a devil fruit ability, it is possible that Shank's sword also has a devil fruit ability. Fans know that Shanks does not seem to be the type of eating a devil fruit because he is more focused on Haki as his weapon. He also values the ability to swim. But his sword with a devil fruit ability is completely different. It is quite possible that Shank's sword has a powerful ability, especially since the name is based on a legendary creature.
A bit: The Holy Knights vs. Elbaf Giants, explained
The holy knights will meet the mighty giants from Elbaf in one piece. These two groups are very powerful.
In an SBS, Oda revealed that Shank's sword is called Griffon, and that this leaf is powerful. More than that, Oda suggested the fact that Shank's fighting style is special. Here's what Oda had to say about Shank's sword:
Q: What is the name of the red -haired Shank's sword?
A: It is apparently called “Griffon” we have known Shanks since the very first chapter, but how does he actually fight? – Oda
It is obvious that ODA suggests that Shank's fighting style is very special and that it is somehow linked to Griffon. In Greek mythology, which is also where ODA retrieves its inspiration for Shamrock's Cerberus, Gryphon is a creature with the tail and the body, including legs, of a lion and head and wings of an eagle. This is a special creature with Legendary Might. Like Shamrock's Cerberus Saber, Shanks Saber can have the power in a griffin, making him double special.
Why Shanks Gryphon to have a devil fruit is sensible
Shanks would be the undisputed strongest
One of the many reasons why Shank's sword that has a Gryphon Devil Fruit makes sense is that it does not disturb the red hair Pirates theme not to have a devil fruit. Shanks himself would have no ability, but his sword would raise his fight style to the next level. In addition, fans have always wondered how Shanks is stronger than Mihawk if Mihawk is the largest sword man.
Are you so afraid of the new era? – Shanks
The answer could not be clearer. Shank's fans always suggested that his martial style is not a real swordman, which is something that even Oda strongly suggested in SBS. If Shank's sword was revealed to have a Gryphon Devil Fruit, it would automatically mean that he is not considered a traditional sword because his “sword” is a creature in battle. It would give Shanks a unique battle style where he does not exactly use a leaf to beat his enemies, even if he can.
All this, compared to his Haki, which seems comparable to even Joy Boy, makes it clear that Shanks would be the undisputed strongest in the current era and on a completely different level, rival only by Roger and Joy Boy. It is only a matter of time before ODA reveals all the abilities that Shanks have and what the meaning of Gryohin is in the story. Fans simply need to sit back patiently and watch as Shanks go out in the last story.
A bit is available to read through Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and free on Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps. The release date for the next chapter in one paragraph, a paragraph 1138, will be February 2, 2025.

A bit
- Release date
October 20, 1999
- Network
Fuji TV
- Board members
Hiroaki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tokoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshihiro,, Yûji Endô, Nozomu Shishido, Hidehiko, Sumio Wata, Hidehiko, Sumio Wata, Akao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise , Hiroyuki Satou
- Author
Jin Tanaka, Akiko Inoue, Junki Takegami, Shinzo Fujita, Shouji Yonemura, Yoshiyuki Suga, Atsuhiro Tomioca, Hirohiko Uesaka, Michiru Shimada, Isao Isao Muraya, Takuya Masumoto, michakh, Masumoto, Yoechi Takahi, Momoka, Momokay,
Mayumi Tanaka
Monkey D. Luffy (Voice)
Kazuya Nakai
Roronoa zoro (voice)
Akemi Okamura
Nami (voice)