Monster Hunter World: How to change appearance

Like the vast majority of other RPGs, players play in Monster Hunter World given the chance to create their own character at the beginning of the story. While the game's character creator can be somewhat limited, there's enough variety to create some truly unique avatars.


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If you're dying to change the look of your Hunter, there's a way for you to completely redo them from scratch. However, such an opportunity is not always available, which is why it is best to think several times before deciding to change your appearance in Monster Hunter World. Here's how you do it.

Updated November 12, 2024 by Marc Santos: Changing your character's appearance in MHW has remained the same as it always has, and so has the use of Layered Armor. Nevertheless, we've updated this guide to expand the Layered Armor section by including more information on where to get the materials needed for Layered Armor crafting. This should give players (especially those who just finished the main story) a better idea of ​​where to get the items they need to advance their fashion game.

How to change appearance in MHW

Prompt to change character appearance in Monster Hunter World

To change your character's appearance, you need one Character Edit Voucher. You can get one for free by visiting your preferred platform's game store (check the DLC tab for Steam users), and you can purchase additional ones later.

After you get a character editing coupon, start the game and you should see one options to edit your character's appearance on the character selection screen. Press the appropriate button to begin the makeover process. The Character Edit Voucher allows you to remake your Hunter as if you were creating them again for the first time – this includes the ability to change their gender, face and other physical characteristics. However, the voucher does not allow you to edit your character's name.

If you are not interested in changing your character's appearance, you can edit theirs hair and makeup by visiting your Object box in your room in either Astera or Seliana. Changing skins via the Item Box is free, and you can do it as many times as you like without burning a voucher.

PC gamers can use mods to change their appearance for free. However, this is not recommended as it can corrupt your savings or possibly get your account suspended due to potential EULA violations.

How to change armor appearance in MHW

The Layered Armor window in Monster Hunter World

You can change the appearance of your equipped armor sets by using Layered armor system, which is basically the same as transmog systems found in other games. You must create Layered Armor at the forge and edit your Layered Armor settings in an Item Box to change your appearance. Equipping Layered Armor has no effect on your Armor Skills and set effects, and you can freely wear or remove any piece as many times as you like for free.

How to unlock Layered Armor

To get more Layered Armor options, you need to progress through the game's story, complete optional missions, and participate in event missions. As soon as you get the materials needed to make Layered Armorthey become automatically available for crafting at the forge. The crafting requirements for Layered Armor aren't as steep as actual armor, but some require materials that are hard to find in regular hunts.

Layered Armor is divided into Low Rank, High Rank, and Master Rank, and the materials needed to craft them can only be obtained from monsters or quests at the respective ranks. If you want to get all Master Rank Layered Armor setsyou must hunt Hardened monsters in the Guiding Lands. Some sets may be locked behind quests, so make sure to do all of them.

monster hunter world poster

January 26, 2018


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