How to get eggs from chicken farms in Farming Simulator 25

Farming Simulator 25 is a game that provides an authentic farm experience. From growing crops and animals to selling them, everything can be done in the game. But as in real life, selling them at the right price is also a matter. Making it harder than just getting returns and selling them outright.


Farming Simulator 25: How to sell crops

Selling crops in Farming Simulator 25 isn't difficult – but, like many things in the game, figuring it out is a bit daunting.

Since Farming Simulator 25 uses seasonal mechanics, prices are bound to go up and down. Each livestock in the game has a different profitable period, so players must pay attention to it. For this guide only, we will focus on chickens and how to use them for profit.

What do you need to raise chickens?

Chickens roaming around in a cow with green pasture. There are some white chickens and a rooster.

Farming Simulator 25 initially starts with a piece of land for agricultural cultivation. To raise chickens in the game, you must meet various requirements to make them profitable. We have provided a summary to include all the important tips you need to cover:

  • Grow and harvest feed for chickens.
  • Build a chicken pen and fill them.
  • Maintain the health of the chicken.
  • Get eggs as products and sell them for profit.
  • Study the market to get the best egg prices.

Keep all these things in mind if you are going to build a chicken business. Don't worry, we've explained how to do all these things throughout the guide to reduce the hassle.

How to get food for chickens

Before proceeding with buy chicken and pasturesis important to sort out food to maintain their vitality. Chickens in Farming Simulator 25 have three fodder as an alternative:

Crop Planting season Duration to grow
Grain September to October 9 months
Wheat September to October 10 months
Sorghum April to May 4 months

Most of the grains can be folded between June to September. For the rest of the period you will have nothing to farm. It is recommended that store your grain in silos. This allows you to maintain your crops and allows you to prepare your harvest for next year.

To feed chickens take the grains to one pasture with trailer. When you reach your Chicken feedsimply pour them near the food icon. If you own a chicken house, you can unload your grain into the attached silo.

You don't need to feed the chickens manually in the game, it would be handled automatically. After feeding, you will notice that your chickens become healthy and give you eggs.

How to give chickens a home to stay and breed

Image showing a satellite view in Farming Simulator 25, in construction mode.

If you start a new game, you may not own one Chicken feed or Coop. You have to build them manually using build mode in the game. To trigger it, simply press Shift+P and it will take you to construction mode.

During the build mode you will find one the cow icon on the left sideand navigate to the submenu find the chicken menu on the fifth tab. The following buildable items are on the menu:

Point Price Durability
Chicken feed 1 $2,450 31
Chicken feed 2 $4,400 30
Chicken feed 3 $5,700 20
Chicken feed 4 $6,900 20
Shed with open chicken feed 1 $25,000 20
Shed with open chicken feed 2 30,000 USD 20
The chicken house $79,000 360

The value for money the alternative would be to build one The chicken house to keep your feathered friends. Not only this has highest holding capacitybut also have an attached silo for grain storage. If you have a low budget and are just getting started with your new farm. Buying Chicken Pasture 2 would be the right choice.

You fill yours Chicken pasturessimply walk near them and find one floating green paw icon. Interact with this icon by press R on the keyboard or press the left stick. This will open a new menu for trading chickens.

There will be two sub-menus for incoming and outgoing transactions. You must be in incoming transaction menu to buy chickens. You can start your journey by buying young hens and roosters to raise them cheaply.

To kick start your egg making journey you can buy
mature chickens
But they cost ten times compared to young chickens

How to get eggs from chicken farms

Farming Simulator 25 Chicken Coop menu showing a white chicken.

To get eggs, you need to make sure your chickens have them reached puberty (six months) to let them mate. Besides, you have to too maintain their health by keeping them well-nourished.

Chickens included good health will give you more eggsso don't compromise. Since the feeding is automatic, just be regular to check on your chickens to ensure their health. Feed grains like Barley, wheat and sorghumto get the best results with them.

If you keep chickens to 100 percent healthyou will have no problem getting many eggs in no time. As time goes on you get egg crates near your chicken coopwhich you can sell for profit. However, sale prices vary in gameso be sure to check Price calendar.


Farming Simulator 25: The 8 best crops to grow first

Take advantage of your real money by learning about the best crops in Farming Simulator 25.

You can find Price calendar by going to the pause menu by by pressing the Esc key or the Start button on the controller. You will see one the graph on the leftand open it. This menu gives you a detailed look at best times to sell crops, produce and more. This will come in very handy if you want to get serious about poultry farming.

How to sell egg crates

When you get Egg boxes from chicken pasturesyou can pick them up and take them to seller. You must have one though Forklift to pick up those boxes. If you don't own a forklift, visit one nearby Vehicle business. Choose one Forklift with statistics that benefit your current needs. But of course it would be inefficient to carry every one to sellers who use it.

To do it more efficiently and quickly, you need either one Flatbed wagon or a flatbed truck. About your egg yield is relatively lowown one Flatbed truck would do the trick. Just make sure that fold out the truck bed to load the boxes on it. After loading the goods, simply fasten seat belts.

Load the eggs into your wagon truck and go to different buyers willing to pay a good price for the eggs. When you reach your drop-off destination, you'll see a black and yellow taped area. Store your items in this area to unload the egg crates. You can too automate this process by creating a job for AI workers to save time. However, this process is a bit clumsy as AI workers can mess up along the way.

If you are paranoid about the vehicle and good security, maybe
ask your friend to do it for you or find some time to do it yourself

What are the best strategies to follow when selling eggs?

Price calendar in Farming Simulator 25 showing egg sale price graph

The best time to sell eggs is inside November. Prices are peak during this time. You can keep your eggs for a while to sell them for one huge profit during that time. Selling eggs with someone profit or losssell them when prices are around $3,300.

Avoid selling eggs between February and Aprilas prices drop a lot. Make all your hard work go down the drain. Try taking in instead young chickens for the farmduring this time to let them ripen. Lets you give more profit without worrying about your expenses.

Also do that check which buyers give the best prices to plan your sales. Notice the travel distance and tthe money they provide for eggs to decide which is the best option.


Farming Simulator 25: Complete Beekeeping Guide

How to get honey in Farming Simulator 25!

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