How to beat Headbanger in Windblown

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Wind blown is one of the best roguelit games of 2024, and has a wide variety of enemies for players to take on during each of their runs. A powerful enemy that all players will face is The Headbanger.

This enemy waits at the end of The Factory and can finish unprepared Leapers running there and then if they enter unprepared. Here's what players can expect through their path and how they can handle it.


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How to defeat the Headbanger in Windblown

Windblown Headbanger Multi 2

When players get close enough, the screen will fade to black for a second before facing The Headbanger. A large health bar displayed on the screen is an iconic feature of boss battles that lets players know they are in for a tough fight. Players will want to buy the right upgrades for their runs and know what equipment will help them.

Ranged weapons are a great way to always throw some damage at an enemy while still being able to safely get back on the defensive by dashing. Players should have one of their two weapons as a ranged option when things get too intense, and they'll have to deal with some of the Headbanger's containers.

Here's a list of all the attacks players can expect the Headbanger to throw their way, as well as what they can do to prepare for the fight ahead.

Swipe and headbutt

Wind Blown Headbanger Swipe

Two of the easiest attacks to react to are Headbanger's sweep and his headbutt. Headbanger will restrain their hand or head before doing any of these attacks. A player can dash in any direction to avoid a swipe, but will want to dash to the side to avoid a headbutt.

This is because his headbutts will cause a tremor that travels forward. Headbanger will always perform these as a combo attack, with a headbutt after two swipes. As long as players run to the side, they can follow up with melee damage against all of these attacks, with a long combo after the headbutt.


Wind Blown Headbanger Dash

Headbanger can perform a quick dash just like player. This is a good reason why players should always keep some distance from the Headbanger when it has finished any of these animations. Players who want to get in close with a melee weapon should do so before it has time to set up for a follow-up attack. Fortunately, it won't spam this streak like players can.

Sludge down

Wind Blown Headbanger Slam

This boss will occasionally jump into the air. When this happens, players will want to rush away immediately, as it will soon crash. This will cause the ground below him to split upwards.

Bomb rings

Headbanger will have a ring of purple spheres drop around him that will detonate shortly after. Players can get a few melee hits before dashing off. This will not be the only ring, as additional rings will fall further than each previous ring.

Once the second ring has detonated, players can get back in close to continue dealing melee damage. Ranged attackers will have a much easier time, as they can maintain a consistent damage output from a safe distance from all of these rings.


Headbanger will eject these cylindrical containers which will extend the refill. A center piece will then rise up and then cause a shock wave when it hits. Headbanger can throw out several of these at once, and this can make the field extremely overwhelming. Players should prioritize taking out these pods the moment they are deployed, otherwise they will find themselves unable to rush to safety and have damage begin to pile up against them.

Players can damage these at melee range, but will want to dash away before they send out their shockwave, as they can finish it off with ranged damage, or dash back in to avoid the shockwave and finish it off with melee attacks.

Eye laser

Players can use the Headbanger's eye laser attack to their advantage, as it can damage, and even destroy, the Headbanger's own containers. Players should always damage their cans from the opposite side of where the Headbanger is, hoping that he will use this attack and end up destroying them himself. All that scrap metal and hidden tech-related weapons really feed into The Factor-level atmosphere.


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Fight the Headbanger in Windblown

While fighting defensively is a good tip for players in general, there are some specific tips that will help with this fight in particular. Players will have plenty of opportunities to get great gear to battle the Headbanger, and here are some notable options. Players will want to purchase a Health Flask Upgrade, as this allows them to restore 60% of their HP. They also want Backstabber to increase his overall damage output, especially from getting behind Headbanger after his headbutt.

When it comes to gear obtained throughout the run, players will want at least 1 distance option. This can allow extra damage when you're on the other side of a shockwave, or when there's a lot of damage happening around the field at once. Even players who prefer melee will welcome any extra damage they'll be able to dish out when melee attacks are too risky.

Players will want the Frost Nova Trinket, as this can completely freeze the Headbanger and open him up to optimal DPS from a player. Another great trinket is the Goo Bomb, which can deal damage over time. Goo Bomb is best used at the end of his first sweep, or when he uses his laser, as he won't be moving and will likely take the full effect of the damage.

Players can also talk to NPCs through the cannon that start expeditions, as they can join other players or invite their friends to join them. There is power in numbers, and multiple players with Frost Nova can open up a huge amount of damage against this boss. Players who overcome this challenge and all others ahead will be rewarded with an unlockable new Leaper design.

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