Call of Duty releases new update for Black Ops 6 and Warzone

Important takeaways

  • The November 15th update increases custom loading slots to 12 across all platforms.
  • The PS5 Pro upgrade adds 120 FPS support with Spectral Super Resolution.
  • Nuketown 24/7 has been added, and XP tokens from Modern Warfare 3 are no longer useful.

A new update has been released for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty: Warzonejust a day away from the launch of season 1. The latest update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and War zone makes several notable changes, adding Nuketown 24/7 to the multiplayer playlist and introducing some features supported on the recently released PlayStation 5 Pro.

Black Ops 6 and War zone Season 1 began on Thursday, November 14th and added new content for multiplayer, Zombies and the integrated War zone experience. This content includes new maps, new weapons and equipment, and the Area 99 Resurgence map War zoneto name a few. Various updates will be released throughout the season, including a major mid-season update with more maps, weapons, and content additions. Activision, Treyarch and Raven Software have released another new update for both Call of Duty titles to account for the PS5 Pro release and fix some unintended bugs.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Players Mock New Skin

Players are mocking Call of Duty: Black Ops 6's new Dragon Knight Skin for Operator Westpoint because of how far-fetched it seems.

First, the November 15 update for Black Ops 6 and War zone Season 1 increases the total number of custom loadout slots from 10 to 12, giving players on all platforms the same number of slots. This change was made after Xbox and PC players found they only had 10 custom loadout slots to work with, compared to the 12 slots still present in the PlayStation version. Also, the patch notes confirm that both Black Ops 6 and War zone received a PS5 Pro Enhanced upgrade with the latest update, so PS5 Pro players now have access to in-game features such as PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR) and native 120Hz support. When using PSSR, Black Ops 6 and War zone gamers can enjoy the games at up to 120 FPS while maintaining the image quality found in the base PS5's 60 FPS mode. A new variable refresh rate mode will be added sometime later in the season to ensure image quality is more consistent on supported 120Hz displays.

Nuketown 24/7 is another new addition to Black Ops 6 with the November 15 update. The returning fan-favorite 6v6 mode replaces Radioactive 24/7 in Featured, Quickplay and Hardcore Quickplay playlists. Also, older XP tokens can no longer be used in Black Ops 6meaning players cannot gain additional XP from earned tokens Modern Warfare 3. This change seems to be controversial on social media as players assumed that their XP tokens were meant to be transferred to Black Ops 6.

A number of stability improvements and bug fixes were applied Black Ops 6 and War zone likewise, with the former receiving a majority of the fixes listed in the patch notes. Previously, a bug prevented the Ghost Perk from being equipped after players unlocked it. The update has fixed this issue, so players can now equip the Ghost Perk and contribute more to their teams. The Ghost Perk is especially useful for taking down UAVs and ambushing opponents Black Ops 6's multiplayer game modes.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone November 15 Update Patch Notes

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6


Battle Pass

  • Fixed an issue on Steam where BlackCell content was not assigned correctly after purchase.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck while viewing the Battle Pass.
  • Fixed an issue where Battle Pass tokens were sometimes not allocated correctly.
  • Disabled Shader Pre-Loading during the Battle Pass Showcase video.


  • Fixed an issue where some filter prompts would display controller inputs when using KBM.

Previous updates

  • PlayStation 5 Pro updates
    • Black Ops 6 and War zone are optimized for PlayStation 5 Pro:
      • Start functions
        • Using Sony's PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution, Black Ops 6 supports higher image quality at 4K and 60 Hz.
          • New PlayStation 5 Pro quality settings: higher quality shadows, ambient occlusion, reflections and global illumination of the screen space (unique to quality mode).
        • Players can also choose to play at 120 Hz for better performance; on the PS5 Pro, the 120 Hz mode has the same image quality as the PlayStation 5 at 60 FPS.
      • With season 01
        • New variable refresh rate mode that allows our highest image quality mode to often exceed 60Hz on compatible display devices (120Hz VRR).



  • Hideaway
    • Fixed an issue where players could get outside of the intended play area.
  • Refund
    • Fixed an issue where players could get outside of the intended play area.

Playlist updates

  • Nuketown 24/7 replaces Radioactive 24/7 in Featured, Quickplay and Hardcore Quickplay


  • Increased total loadouts available for all platforms to 12.


  • Fixed an issue where it could not be equipped after permanently unlocking the Ghost Perk.

Strategist Combat Specialty

  • Fixed an issue where deploying equipment faster with the strategist bonus was not working correctly.


  • Improved stability when using Napalm Strike.
  • Improved stability when using UAVs.


  • Increased Point Blank Medal range by 40%.
    • This tweak was included in the first Season 01 update.


  • Fixed an issue where equipment skins would sometimes appear locked when owned.
  • Fixed an issue that incorrectly allowed older XP tokens to be activated in Black Ops 6 UI.


  • Improved stability with MP Game Mode Announcer.



  • Terminal
    • Closed an exploit related to the Treasure Hunt Side Quest that allowed players to earn too much essence.

Playlist updates

  • Directed mode added for Zombies Private Matches (Squad Fill Off)

Ammunition Mods

  • Dead thread
    • Fixed an issue where electric fields from dead wires could ignite zombies while the Dragon's Breath accessory was equipped.


  • Closed an exploit where some Field Upgrades would persist after leaving a match.


  • Added many stability fixes.

War zone


  • Increased the number of available custom charge slots from 10 to 12.


  • Fixed an issue that caused Buy Stations to charge players an amount for items that did not match the displayed purchase price.

  • Fixed an issue that caused PlayStation players to encounter a black screen when trying to access War zone via the What's Hot line.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the AEK-973 Marksman Rifle found via ground swap to fire on full auto.

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