Best short stories by Andrzej Sapkowski

Important takeaways

  • The Witcher originated as short stories that defined Geralt's character and built the world.
  • Memorable moments in the stories include Geralt's showdown with a djinn and a hunt for a golden dragon.
  • Geralt's encounters with characters such as Dudu and Ciri lay the foundation for the iconic saga.

Before becoming a critically acclaimed video game trilogy with award-winning writing, The Witcher began as a series of short stories by Andrzej Sapkowski. He couldn't have dreamed of the popularity this series would achieve after a fledgling Polish video game developer bought the rights to this IP and turned it into one of the most recognizable dark fantasy series of all time.


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A series of novels followed the success of Sapkowski's short stories, helping to bring to life the legacy of Geralt and his diverse (and powerful) friends. His short stories stand out for their incredible characterization and world-building, detailing several adventures he embarked on that set the stage for many of the novels. These short stories are fantastic to experience and show the strong world building that plays into the author's now iconic work.

Spoiler alert: this list delves into story spoilers from The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny, two short story collections by Andrzej Sapkowski.

8 The Witcher

Contains Geralt's Iconic Fight With A Striga

Geralt fights a Striga in The Witcher

  • Published in: The last wish

Most fans of the video game franchise remember the opening cinematic of The Witcherwith Geralt donning a striga and trying to undo its curse. This was an adaptation of one of the most iconic short stories written by Sapkowski.

To this day, players love the excellent action-packed writing and world-building found in this story, showcasing the dark fairy-tale influences of The Witcher for all to see. Geralt's attempt to survive until morning and undo this curse makes for a memorable sight that fans can't get enough of.

7 The lesser evil

The story that made Geralt known as the Butcher of Blaviken

Henry Cavill as Geralt in The Witcher

  • Published in: The last wish

Geralt is known by many nicknames, with The White Wolf being a rather flattering way to describe his legacy. Another nickname he doesn't much care for is the Butcher of Blaviken, which he got after he carried out a one-man massacre of his enemies in this town for all to see.

Although he was technically right and prevented two evil parties from seeing their plans come to fruition, Geralt's attempt to save the townspeople earned him their scorn instead. Witchers were seen as mutated devils, and seeing one cut down many people without the context of his actions led to him being cast out and labeled the Butcher of Blaviken.

6 A question about price

A series of events lead to Ciri becoming Geralt's surprise child

Duny in The Witcher

  • Published in: The last wish

The threat of fate that tied Geralt and Ciri's fate together appeared after the witcher intervened in the castle of Cintra. During a royal feast, chaos erupts when a cursed man turns out to be Pavetta's lover, causing a chain of events that lead to Geralt being asked by Queen Calanthe to sort out this mess.


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Eventually, the curse on Duny is dispelled when Pavetta is to marry him. When the pair ask Geralt what he wants, the witcher surprises everyone by invoking the law of surprise, which is soon followed by the revelation that Pavetta is pregnant with a girl who will grow up to be Ciri.

5 The last wish

An encounter with a djinn leads Geralt and Yennefer to become bound by fate

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt The Last Wish djinn boss fight yennefer

  • Published in: The last wish

Geralt and Yennefer's tumultuous relationship is one of the most compelling storylines in The Witcher series. Both parties met each other in a chance encounter, but it was what Geralt did to thwart Yennefer's plans that tied their fates together for good.

After Yennefer tries to control a djinn's power but fails, Geralt surprises everyone by making the third and final wish after realizing that he was technically the one who revealed the djinn, not Dandelion. Wanting to tie his fate with Yennefer for good, he kickstarts one of the hottest romances in dark fantasy literature.

4 The limits of reason

A memorable hunt for a golden dragon

Villentretenmerth in The Witcher

  • Published in: Sword of Fate

A fantastic story revolving around Geralt joining a caravan hunting a golden dragon, this quest gives Geralt and Yennefer an excuse to reunite and rekindle the flames of romance. It helps that the encounter with the dragon Villentretenmerth makes for an impressive moment in the books.

Yennefer's attempt to reverse her infertility by making a deal with this dragon fails, and she can't help but feel a pang of sadness at her inability to have a child. Meeting the dragon first in his human form, Borch Three Jackdaws, makes him one of the most interesting characters in the series.

3 The eternal flame

Shows Geralt's first encounter with Dudu

The Witcher 3 doppler dudu geralt

  • Published in: Sword of Fate

Dudu is a character that players must find in Novigrad to bring Geralt one step closer to finding Ciri The Witcher 3. Fans of the books know the first instance when this doppler and the white wolf crossed paths, making it a memorable meeting in this town long before the events of Witcher game.


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Dudu assumed the form of a merchant named Dainty and sold his horses to buy goods believed to be worthless. However, this turns out to be a stroke of genius when it is revealed that the items Dainty bought will be used to build altars to the Eternal Fire throughout the city. It's a light-hearted story that shows another side of Sapkowski's brutal fantasy world.

2 Sword of Fate

Ciri and Geralt meet for the first time in Brokilon

Ciri in Brokilon in The Witcher

  • Published in: Sword of Fate

The first time Geralt and Ciri cross paths makes for a memorable story. After seeing a bunch of dead children who ventured too deep into the forest of Brokilon, Geralt is escorted by the dryads who live here to the heart of the forest.

It is here that he meets Ciri for the first time and negotiates her freedom from Brokilon's Queen Eithne. It's a great story, and both characters would have no idea of ​​the thread of fate that connected them both in their first meeting.

1 Something more

Geralt tries to find Ciri after Cintra's fall

Geralt and Ciri hug in The Witcher

  • Published in: Sword of Fate

The Fall of Cintra is a tragic moment in the series, where Nilfgaard invades the city and kills the queen to take over. The Battle of Sodden takes place not long after, and Geralt heads to the scene of the carnage to find the child destined to meet him by the Law of Surprise.

Believing Ciri to be long gone after a fruitless search, he heads to a merchant's house, where the family took in a girl lost after the Nilfgaardian invasion. Geralt can't believe his eyes when Ciri comes out, the two run towards each other to share a hug that cements their relationship for good.


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