The Donkey The series has been in a little limbo for a long time. Although Donkey Kong still regularly appears as a character in many of Nintendo's largest games, for example Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Super Smash Bros. UltimateThe Donkey Franchise itself has unfortunately been neglected by the company. The last original main game in the series, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical FreezeArrived exclusively at Wii U 2014. Since then it's been a bit to have nothing new Donkey Content, outside some remakes, remaster and spin-offs.
When Nintendo prioritizes its development efforts on other flagship franchisees, it is not exactly clear what the future for Donkey Series will look like. Retro studios, the developer of the last few Donkey kong country Games, is currently working on Metroid Prime 4: BeyondSo it probably won't have time to return to the series in the near future. Most of the main line Donkey In the meantime, games have already been ported to Nintendo Switch, so there are not so many remarkable payments in the series submitted to Remaster. Nintendo will probably make a new Donkey Games at some point, but when that happens it will probably look very different from Franchiset's previous items, partly because of a new change.

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD has a collaborative problem
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD has a frustrating co-op problem and prevents players from enjoying the multiplayer experience at Switch.
Next Donkey Kong game will probably look completely different from their predecessors
Donkey Kong gets a redesign in Mario Kart 9
A few weeks ago, Nintendo announced uncomfortably the long rumored Nintendo Switch 2, and, along with it, gave the fans his first look at the next part in Mario Kart franchise. This new one Mario Kart Games, as unofficially referred to as Mario Kart 9seems to have a slightly different art style compared to its predecessor, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Although the games look pretty similar at first glance, experienced players will notice that many of the playable characters in Mario Kart 9 have received redesign. This is particularly obvious with Donkey Kong.
IN Mario Kart 9Donkey Kong sees much sillier and happier compared to his usual character design. Instead of lowering the eyebrows and an angry look on the face, this new version of Donkey Kong has rounded, near the eyes set, a bulky building and a free facial expression. Interesting, Mario Kart 9Donkey Kong seems to share more in common with Donkey Kong from Super Mario Brothers movie than it does with his video game equivalent.
Nintendo doubles on Donkey Kong's new look
Donkey Kong's current and most popular design was created by rare and character designer Kevin Bayless during the development of 1994's Donkey kong country. But as iconic as this version of the character is, Nintendo seems to move away from it completely and not just in Mario Kart. Several eager fans have noticed that some of Nintendos recently released Donkey Merchandise has the redesigned version of the character instead of his usual appearance. Although this may be a disappointment for some, it seems as if Mario Kart 9 Version of Donkey Kong is here to stay.
Donkey Kong's future games are likely to use its new character design from Mario Kart 9
Given how productive character is, there is a very great chance that Donkey Kong will make a performance in some other games on Nintendo Switch 2, in addition to Mario Kart 9. Some industry -insiders have claimed that Nintendo is working on a new, 3D Donkey Games for the console, which, if true, will be the first of its kind since 1999 Donkey Kong 64. Although these rumors are not legitimate it is almost a security that the next main line Donkey Payment, no matter what it ends up, will contain the title Ape's Redesign from Mario Kart 9.